Be your own Boss


The ultimate game-changer your venture needs to get it done

In matters life and business, there are two eternal truths the first is life is all about change while the second is managing people is never an easy task. Businesses tend to be a blend of various resources with the common ones being the human resources and the financial resources.

World statistics have also shown that only a mere 20% of venture owners and business managers tend to have somehow full clarity on how the various business initiatives impacted the business goals this, therefore, implies that a staggering 80% of business managers and venture owners are in the dark or rather lack any comprehensive clue on matters competent management. As your venture grows some things including the various activities happening, the uncertainty and also the processes involved will grow exponentially.

Unlike the past where venture owners and business managers were riddled with endless files and records more and more organizations are investing in that top-notch business management software to help things get done, predict the otherwise uncertain future and improve the overall efficiency of the firm. However, with a sea of such tools and platforms, the real deal now lies in selecting that trusted partner for your venture who will help you streamline all your business activities thus allowing you to stay on top of things.


Ours is a platform committed to bringing some structure to your work, other top features you will enjoy while using Kosmo include:

Intuitive powerful Admin

You will be able to make more efficient use of the company resources through utilizing our platform to develop or rather manage the various tasks and activities in a bid to achieve your venture’s objectives.

Kosmo has integrated a unique user interface with a seamless blend of visual design, interaction design and also information architecture.
Seamless connection with clients & staff
To ensure that your staff is not worn out due to various tedious activities this is the right platform to make their work easier which in turn results in a happy client.
Integration with External Resources

The platform allows for

  • Custom integrations across the board
  • Google drive
  • Internal intranets
  • Custom forums
  • Other…..
Unified management and project management in one place

An all in one business management software offering you the ability to manage both your customers and also your projects.

Franchise Management System
Kosmo has a separated multiple franchise management system where each deployment reports to the Kosmo HQ stand alone system including sales invoices , quotes and orders